Sunday, 31 August 2008

我的第一篇华语部落格 | 国庆日快乐!

像我这种小学读华小,中学读英文校(或马来校?)[我不确定我的学校是马来还是英文校,不管它!] ,但在家是一百巴仙用华语沟通的人,有好也有不好。

嗨! 不知道以后我出到社会时以这种语文程度会是怎样生活的。希望好处会多过弊处。


这一个星期其实也没有什么特别,最特别的是在星期五当我的班有空节又没有班的时候,我们全班去图书馆,当时图书馆的老师有课,所以只剩下我们这一班人在那儿。图书馆有一个长桌子,像用来开会的那种桌子,既然闲着没事做,我们就玩了一场“国会游戏”。哈哈,我们选了自己要的一方:国阵或反对党,然后就开始辩论。而且还把整个过程录了起来,原本想把它上载到网上,但怕我们所讲得东西有牵涉到政府所认为的所谓‘敏感课题’, 所以就打消了这个念头,不然就有机会以大家分享我们的杰作。哈哈!
我们也拍了我们一班人的照片,但我还没拿到手,拿到后我将会把它放在Friendster 上。

今天也是我们国家第51 周年的国庆日。感谢主带领马来西亚度过了这51年来的风风雨雨,甜酸苦辣。如果没有上帝的保守以及恩典,这个国家可能会是个四分五裂的国家。但这个国家的人民能在一个多元社会的环境下和平共处了51年(至少没有种族间的战争,除了514事件之外),这真的是要感谢上帝一直以来的看顾,带领,保守以及祂的恩典,上帝实在地把很大的福分赐给了这片土地上的每一个人,希望每一位马来西亚人民都能够珍惜这份宝贵的恩典。


以耶和华为 神的,那国是有福的!(诗篇33:12上)

National Day Special Verse:
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD! (Psalm 33:12)

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

The 2 most happening events in August

I just read the-star online and here is the result for the elction:
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has won the Permatang Pauh by-election !
He won Arif Shah by exceeding almost half of the vote.
Here is quote from The Star:
Anwar garnered 31,195 votes to beat Barisan candidate Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah, who polled 15,524 votes, while Angkatan Keadilan Insan Malaysia candidate Hanafi Hamat lost his RM15,000 deposit after getting only 92 votes.

This election is the most happening event for our country in this month, or this year, or even the entire election history in Malaysia.
There will be another 'Politic Tsunami' awaiting the government of Malaysia ahead.
Personally, I supported Anwar for this election.
BN need some pressure from other party only they will do their job better.
Actually this is a simple theory, when there is a competition, there is improvement.
And us, the resident of Malaysia will get the final benefit.

Here is one example that we get the benefits from competition: That is the competition between Digi, Maxis, Celcom and recently the latest cellphone service provider, U Mobile.
As they are competing to get more customer, they will lower their charge rate for the usage of our cellphone. At last, we get cheaper call and sms. Haha~!

So, can't always let BN win. Instead, we should sort of like 'balance up' their power and let them compete with each other for the best of ourselves.
This is because when a party is too strong, they tend to corrupt.
This happened during the dynasties of China, the dynasty falls during their peak due to the corruption of the leaders of the country.
And Malaysian had successfully 'weaken' the power of BN during the recent 308 election.

Still, these are just my little thought for this election, which I am quite happy with the result.
Hope Anwar will really work out what he promised to us before the election and put the benefit of residents of Malaysia as his utmost priority.
All the best to Anwar!
The Next most happening event to the world is the recent Olympic game which is held successfully in Beijing, China.
China Rocks~! This is what I want to say to my origin country.
They did great, excellent, awesome, impressive, beautiful (any praising word) job for this Olympic.
They not just organize the Olympic successfully but also become the top country in the rank of medalist for the very first time.
Even though their total medal is 10 less than the total medal US but they are still the FIRST.
They got 51 gold medals which exceed America's 36 golds by 15! A big gap.
Many foreigner who had had bad impression toward China before the Olympic now totally change their point of view towards China after the Olympic.

There is one quite funny thing I came across in the newspaper during the Olympic, that is the foreigner, especially those from Europe were wonder what is the English word for 'jia you'. They felt that the word 'jia you' is so good that it can be used no matter one win or lost. Therefore, they want a english word for 'jia you' but the Chinese failed to find a suitable english word for them as translation like ''go, go, go!'' or ''come on'' are not as convenient to be used as 'jia you', which is short and sweet. Haha! And so they also give them the direct literal translation, which is 'add oil'! haha... No matter how, the word 'jia you' had become a famous word among the European.
That's all. All the best to China!

China jia you!
Malaysia jia you!
Zheng Yii jia you!
And to all of my friends: Jia You!! = )

-Zheng Yii-

Monday, 25 August 2008

Another Special Sunday!

Why is this Sunday special?
That's because Davin & Keik Wee come to my church with me.
And I went to the English service with them..Haha..

Thank God that both of my friends accepted Christ even though they are not from Christian family.
I am not sure when, where and how Keik Wee became a Christian but Davin said that He wants to become a Christian recently during Christian Union meeting.
But both of them didn't attend to any church. So I ajak both of them come to my church.
And I'm so glad that both of them are willing to come and to learn more about Jesus.
God has indeed blessed both of them and hope they will continue to attend church regularly and grow in their spiritual life.
Will continue to pray for them.

This is my 2nd time to attend the English service after my 1st attend during my std 6, that's 6 years ago. haha..
Will continue attend the English service to accompany them.

And today Sunday School we talk about fasting. I enjoy the discussion and learned from the lesson.
It had been long time we never have such good discussion during the class.
This week will find one day to fast at least one meal. (this is our homework actually) haha..

About KU CS inter-school gathering, I am just waiting for the pictures from Kean Peng and will post up the story.
Actually I can just tell the story 1st then only post up the pics but I don't like incomplete post. It will make my blog to become so mess with separate post of the same thing.(eg:farewell video and pics are separated.) Haha...Btw, nothing special there and we just snapped 2 pics only.

This week don't have verse but there is 1 very meaningful quote by the preacher today.
That is:
Worldliness is when sin becomes norm and righteousness seems strange.
Ray Steadman

Saturday, 23 August 2008

Prepration for CS farewell and Memories (Video clip)

Yea, finally the Video is successfully uploaded.
But not in blogger, is in You Tube. Don't care, as long as can watch.
Thanks once again to Sherlyn or rather Naruto wong! Haha

Time line of the video
0.00-1.50- Journey to the school (Sherlyn Driving )
1.50-3.47- Pictures and short funny movie during Preparation (Cui Ting and Nying Sher)
3.47-4.43- Chairman says..(that's me!)
4.43-5.20- Jokers..(Chin Kuan and Kean Peng)
5.20-9.37- Memories for Seniors (all pics)

Here is it!

Friday, 22 August 2008

Holiday is Ending~

My holiday is quiet and boring.
I would rather say it is relaxing than boring.

What I did during the holiday? Hmm..let see...
Sleep and online.
Yea, that's it.
I sleep late and wake up late.
Online till 3 or 4 am and wake up at 12pm.. @@" How unhealthy is my holiday life.
Evening if got mood look at the book a while then just lepak here lepak there till night and online.
By the way, 1 week holiday is too short edi la.
When thought of going back school in 3 days time, feel so tired.

Need to see Bio teacher face, chemistry teacher face, Pa teacher face, muet teacher face....~ Haih...None of the Period I really enjoy except for Maths period.
Bio, chemistry and PA: don't need to say, everyone will just hate it. (for my class only)
Muet: I don't like language I hate language, I mean no matter BM or BI, I don't like them all. Even my own mother tongue, chinese I also not really like to learn.
Maths is just fun. Only during math I can 'feel' that I am learning something new and furthermore the teachers are both good. They can joke around with the class and thus making math period fun.

If I didn't remember it wrongly (I counted it before), we have total of 40 periods for the 5 days of schooling day. And we have 5 subjects, i.e. Bio, Chem, Math, PA, and Muet.
So 40/5=8 , means each subjects take 8 periods per week.
Which means 32/40 (80%) of the periods I am not enjoying and only 8/40(20%) only I am actually 'studying' .
Ish! Damn it! Why my class get all those stupid teacher la! Must bear with them for 1 and a half year. How could I survive la.
I heard from Fui Teng that there will be a class streaming next year. Hope that's true and I can get my ass off the class.
I want to leave the class NOT because of the classmates but the teachers.
Ok, enough of complaining. I know my words are rude. But I must say (type) them out so that I can fell better. Release all my un-satisfaction out.

Oh ya, for your information (anyone who's reading this), now grab your mouse and choose any word in my post and double click on it, you will get a surprise! Haha... Yea, Any words.

That's all for today. Will try to update on tomorrow Klang Utama Chinese Society Inter- School gathering. (If it is fun).
Oh, and the video of farewell party, don't know why can't upload it, will try my best to get the video up to the web.

Good Night! (lazy to put in colour)

Sunday, 17 August 2008

Chong Wei Lost!

Lee Chong Wei lost badly to China World #1 player Lin Dan in Olympic badminton man single.
That's indeed a bad news for the whole nation.
I watched the whole game and was so nervous and was hoping for miracle to happen as Lee Chong Wei lost to Lin Dan from the beginning.
Chong Wei was not in the mood of playing. He made a lot of silly mistakes and wasted many points. For me, can't blame, cause is too stress edi..
And No doubt, Lin Dan is too powerful...He was so stable and He is better than Chong Wei.
He deserved to be the world #1 badminton player.
I salute him.
Merely my personal opinion towards the game.
Now, I'll 100% support China till the end.
Wish China can win USA in term of amount of gold medal as well as the total amount of medal at the end of this Olympic.
All the best to China!

School Holiday finally begin. School life is stressful.

At last I can relax for a while.
But still must study for the coming monthly test after holiday.
Can't be too relax, must always remind myself, Form 6 need Consistency.

I've changed my Bio tuition from Miss Chong to Mr Mano, Friday Class.
Must learn movement of substances across plasma membrane again. Swt..sien..
Just take it as revision ba..

Verse of the week:

Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. (Luke 12:22-23 , NIV)


因為生命勝於飲食身體勝於衣裳(路加福音 12 章 22-23 节)

p/s: I prefer chinese translation which brings out the meaning of the verse clearer.

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Chinese Society Farewell Party 2008!

Yeah~! That's it...Finally the farewell party is done, successfully!
First of all, I would like to give all the glory to God as He had answered my prayer and let the party to be successful.
Next I would like to thank to the committee of farewell party for their commitment in organizing this party together with me.
Surely, I would not be able to write the whole process of the party here in words to share it with all of you.
Instead, I'll post pictures and they'll say better than me.
Sherlyn had made a video concerning our preparation for the farewell and some memories for the seniors which is a surprise for them during the farewell, they were touched of watching the video, thanks to Sherlyn!
I still haven't get the video btw, will post it here after I got it.

Farewell Party Pictures
Our beautiful booklet made by Xin Yi

Arrival of Mr Lee, CS head advisor.

Miss Tan, our advisor too!

Our MC: Zhi Jun and Nying Sher
Singing Chinese Society Theme Song.
I am giving my speech as the chairman ^^

Mr Lee giving his speechMiss Tan!

Watching Video and Laughing *Hahahahah*

Seniors: Kenneth and Sze Yong

Cui Ting presenting Songs

Funny Drama


Delicious Food

Giving Souvenier

Song Dedication - Cai Hong


The guys and the crying little girl~

Linda, Sherlyn and Me

Farewell Committee (not all here)

"Da He Zao"

The End (with Joy!)

The pics are arranged correspond to our activities in the farewell. There are actually more pics but I am lazy to upload them edi~ haha....Enjoy!

Wednesday, 6 August 2008


Yay! I've finally passed my driving test!
I've waited so long for this day to come.
I've delayed this for 1 year and 1 month after my 17 birthday and at last I am legal to drive.
And most importantly is that I DON'T need to go to that 'hell' anymore.
Thanks God for guiding me throughout the test. ^^

Chinese society farewelll party is coming very SOON! (2 more days)
And I am so tense up.
Scare unexpected problems.
Scare this Scare that.
1st time mah. (alasan)
I don't think I did a good job in organizing this thing.
But still, just hope everything will just go smooth and after friday, I can relax and have fun especially during Saturday! haha..
Hoping for this Saturday, hope all of us can really enjoy in this class event.

Form 6, I have a lot of 'first time'.
I have changed a lot.
Last time, I was rather anti-social(is there any word that is more suitable ??) .
Yea, I won't automatically talk or mix around with other people de. (last time)
I prefer to keep quiet all the time and 'enjoy' in my own thinking world.
Even until now, some time, I'll just remain silent even though I should talk something in some condition. It become somewhat a 'habit' edi...Haha...
But, I know if i still remain as an 'anti-social' kind of person, I will be left out in this society sooner or later.
So no matter how, still need to open up my 'gold mouth' and start talking! Haha~

What I've learned.
Ok, after the farewell I'll post that.
Especially for chemistry. So long never do my 'revision' in blog edi.. haha..
Now tuition till chemical bonding edi..
And Bio, still mess and blur...Don't know how to post...
Math, nothing to post...I guess..
PA, nothing to post...btw, I also don't like this subject...

I read through some of my recent post..And I found there is different between 'coloured-post' and 'non-coloured post'...the different is I found it is easier to read coloured-post. Is more interesting to read paragraph with colour than without colour.
So, I'll try to put in COLOUR for my future blog post. Haha...

p/s: I am not good in ART. So, I'll just simply taruh in the colour only~ hehe


Saturday, 2 August 2008

The beginning of August

Again, I want to say, Time Flies!
Suddenly, August appear.
7 months had just fly through my life.
Still remember on 1/1/2008, I was on my bed in my dorm at Cancun Park with severe feeling of homesick. Even though there were 20 over dorm mate around, but I don't know them , and my Heart was filled with loneliness. The 1st time I celebrate a whole new year with me myself.
That was how I 'enter' this year.
The memory is still clear and fresh.
But no matter how clear is it, it is not yesterday. It was 8 months ago!
Haih, I will feel scare when I feel that time passes very fast.
I don't feel safe.
Is just like I am still blur. Blur of everything that happened around me.
And just let the world slowly consume me in time......................

Yesterday 心血来潮, I checked for the english word of 心血来潮 in my computer dictionary, and here is it : be seized by a whim. Haha, don't really know is correct or wrong.
Don't care, let's continue.
Yesterday 'be seized by a whim' , I added imeem playlist into my blog. Haha...
I wanted to add more songs but can't find the songs and I lazy to upload them by myself.
So, the list will be temporary till further update.(maybe tomorrow)
Let me intro some of the songs in the play list :
1. I will be by Avril Lavigne. I like the lyrics. Especially the bridge part And surely the music is great too! And I can wait forever by Simple Plan , the lyrics too. I have posted both of the lyrics somewhere in my blog last time.

2. Christian Songs. Through it all, Here I am to worship, Worthy to be praised, Mighty to Save are all awesome! Actually there are others too , but I just choose few that I like the most to put in.

3 Jay chou's songs. I am not his fan (btw, I am not the fan of anyone) but I like his songs. I like most of his songs and those in the list 1 I just choose randomly and add in.

I prefer slow and soft kind of songs. I don't like those rock and very noisy kind of songs(got exception also la). Haha...

Today spent my whole day in the driving school.
After much of postpone and delay and everything, finally Monday I am going to take the driving test.
Hope can one time pass all the test, cause I don't want to go back to that 'hell of boring-ness' again after Monday.

That's all. Hope August will be a meaningful month for me.
(Olympic is around the corner, can't wait for it to come) Haha..

That's all. Nightz~
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