Thursday, 27 August 2009

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Everything is in a mess now..
I am worried, worry about you..

I really want to be there with you when u face problem, let you to have a person to talk to, let you to have a shoulder to cry on.

But I know that you wont tell me anything, no matter how I ask.

I am already avoiding you cause I know that my present will actually make you feel more stress, though I actually really really want to be with you.

But when I see the problem that you are facing, I feel that I am so useless, I can do nothing, not even can be there with you, because you don't want to.

You had learn how to hide your problem, me too, especially in front of you, I will hide everything.

You know, besides this, I heard something about you, which I don't know is true or not.
I am telling myself don't believe it, and disproving it; but there's another voice that tell me to believe, and proving to me.

I don't know, really don't know. Cause if it is the true, I might just collapse.
When I think of this, I can't breath, I can't move.

It is too serious for me to accept this.

Indeed, you have changed, when I think of the past, tears will flood my eyes. I keep asking why, why everything turn out to be like this, why we can't just stay in the past, where everything were so clean, so pure, so beautiful...

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Types of Mutation

Type of Mutation (Outline)
1. Gene Mutation
-Substitution - Eg of disease: Sickle Cell Aneamia
-Insertion (Frame Shift Mutation)
-Deletion (Frame Shift Mutation) - Eg of disease: Thalassemia

2. Chromosomal Mutation
A) Changes in Chromosomal Structure (Aberration)

B)Changes in Chromosomal Numbers

.Monosomy - Eg of disease: Turner Syndrome
.Trisomy - Eg of disease: Klinefelter's Syndrome & Down Syndrome
.Allopolyploidy- Eg: Halophyte Grass, Spartina Anglica(2n=122)

1.Gene Mutation
-Gene Mutation is changes in nucleotide base sequence in a gene.
-The change of a single nucleotide base pair is called a point mutation.
-Gene mutation that causes alteration in reading frame of triplet code is known as frame shift mutation.
-Nonsense mutation mutates triplet code for an amino acids into a stop code (ACT,ATC, ATT)

-Only one nucleotide is replaced with different base
-Missense mutation produces different DNA sequence which will be transcribed into different mRNA compared with normal mRNA. mRNA will be translated producing polypeptide with different sequence.
-Nonsense mutation converts amino acids specifying codon on mRNA to termination(stop) codon.
Disease: Sickle Cell Anemia
-Haemoglobin is a quaternary structure protein that consist of 4 tertiary structure globular protein.
-2 of the globular proteins are made of alpha-polypeptides and another 2 is made of beta-polypeptide.
-beta haemoglobin polypeptide is a sequence of 146 amino acids linked by peptide bonds.
-The sixth amino acid is beta-polypeptide is Glutamate, it is represented by triplet code CTT in the gene for beta-polypeptide.
-To form sickle cell recessive allele (HBs), gene mutation involving single base pair substitution occurs.
-Nucleotide containing Thymine base in triplet code CTT is substituted with nucleotide containing Adenine to form new/mutated triplet code CAT.
-Triplet code CAT codes for Valine.
-In human that have 2 recessive allele for sickle cell, genotype (HBs HBs), sickle cell anaemia occurs.
-In these condition, globular proteins(tertiary) in haemoglobin made of beta-polypeptide becomes fibrous(secondary) if partial pressure of oxygen become low
This causes red blood cell to become sickle.
-Sickle red blood cell is less efficient, it has reduced capacity to transport oxygen, anaemia occurs.
-Sickle cell anaemia patient need regular blood transfusion or bone marrow transplant.
-Heterozygous human, genotype (HBa HBs) have mild anaemia.

~Insertion (Frame Shift Mutation)
-Involves insertion or addition of base pairs.
-1 or 2 nucleotide base pairs are inserted into nucleotide sequence of a gene.
-Causes alteration of the reading frame - entirely new sequence of amino acid is produced after point of insertion.
-May cause nonsense mutation or produce new sequence of amino acid.

~Deletion (Frame Shift Mutation)

-Involves the loss of 1 or more nucleotide from a gene.
-Causes alteration of the reading frame - entirely new sequence of amino acid is produced after point of deletion.
-May cause nonsense mutation of produce new sequence of amino acid.
Disease: Thalassemia
-Thalassemia is a disorder that affects function of Red Blood Cell.
-There are 2 types of Thalassemia, alpha and beta Thalassemia.
-Each type is further divided into Thalassemia major and Thalassemia minor.
-Beta-Thalasssemia is more common.
-Beta-Thalassemia is caused by gene mutation involving single base pair deletion in the gene for beta-polypeptide.
-This causes synthesis of non-functional beta-polypeptide as frame shift mutation occurs.
-In human that are homozygous recessive for beta-Thalassemia have Thalassemia Major.
-Excess of alpha-polypeptide causes deformation of red blood cells, the red blood cells are destroyed by phagocyte(macrophage) in the body.
-Severe anaemia occurs because of lack of functional red blood cell.
-Destruction of Red Blood Cell and through intake of diet, the patient has excess iron ions.
-The patients has to go through iron chelation process to remove excess iron ions in body.
-Patient need regular blood transfusion or bone marrow transplant.
-Thalassemia minor patient have mild anaemia.

-Involves reversal of a portion of a nucleotide sequence.
-Base sequence after point of inversion remains same.

2. Chromosomal Mutation

A) Changes in Chromosomal Structure (Aberration)

-Chromosomal Aberration occurs due to structural changes in chromosome.

-is movement of a part of a chromosome to another part of genome or within same chromosome.
-Intra-chromosomal translocation is movement of a part of chromosome to another part of the same chromosome or homologous chromosome.
-Inter-chromosomal translocation is movement of a part of chromosome to another non homologous chromosome.

-Deletion is the loss of chromosomal fragment.
-Produces deletion loop between homologous chromosome.
-Eg: Cri-du-chat(cry like a cat) syndrome- small head, facial abnormalities and mentally retarded.


-Involves the change of direction of chromosomal segments.
-Results from a segment that has broken out of the chromosome and rejoins at the same site but with inverted direction.
-Produces inversion loop between homologous chromosome.

-Is the doubling of one or several chromosomal fragments.
-Involves the insertion of an extra copy of a region of the chromosome into a neighbouring position.

B)Changes in Chromosomal Numbers
-Chromosomal mutation involving changes in number of chromosome are caused by non-disjunction of chromosome.
-Non-disjunction of chromosome is failure of chromosome to segregate during cell division.
-Failure of segregation of homologous pairs occurs in Meiosis I while failure of segregation of sister chromatid occurs in Meiosis II or during mitosis.
-Eg of chromosomal mutation involving changes in number of chromosome is monosomy (2n-1) and trisomy (2n+1)
-Euploidy is the presence of normal number(2n) of structurally normal chromosome in genome/cell.


-Aneupoidy is the presence of abnormal number of chromosome that is caused by non-disjunction.

~Monosomy-Disease: Turner Syndrome (Sex chromosome Abnormalities)
-Female that have only one X chromosome, genotype 44+XO
-Female with this genotype may be produced through these situation.
.Non disjunction of sex chromosome occurs during oogenesis to produce ovum that lacks sex chromosome, genotype 22+O. This mutant ovum is fertilised with sperm containing X chromosome ,genotype 22+X.
.Non disjunction of sex chromosome during spermatogenesis to produce sperm that lacks sex chromosome, genotype 22+O. This mutant sperm is fertilised with normal ovum with genotype 22+X.
-Female with this syndrome have incomplete development of ovary, they are sterile and does not have menstrual cycle. They are usually mentally retarded.
~Trisomy- Disease: Klineflter's Syndrome (Sex chromosome Abnormalities)
-Male that have more than one X chromosome.
-The most common genotype is 44+XXY.
-Human that have genotype 44+XXY may be produce in these situation:
.Non disjunction of sex chromosome occurs during oogenesis in Meiosis I or Meiosis II to produce mutant ovum with genotype 22+XX. The ovum is fertilised by sperm that has Y Chromosome, genotype 22+Y.
.Non disjunction of sex chromosomes occurs during spermatogenesis in Meiosis II to produce mutant sperm with genotype 22+XY. The sperm fertilises normal ovum, genotype 22+X.
-Males with this syndrome are sterile because testis development is not completed.
-Because of the presence of 2 X chromosomes, they have development of female secondary sexual characteristic such as enlargement of breast.
-They are generally tall and have less body hair.

~Trisomy- Disease: Down Syndrome (Autosomal abnormalities)
-Down Syndrome occurs in human that have 3 chromosome number 21 in genome of a cell They have total 47 chromosome (normal:46) , they syndrome is also known as Trisomy-21.
-Non disjunction of chromosome no 21 occurs during gametogenesis to produce a gamete that have 2 chromosome no 21 besides normal number of other chromosome.
-The mutant gamete is fertilised by a normal gamate which has 1 chromosome no 21 and normal number of other chromosome.
-Human with Down Syndrome have low IQ, short-stocky body, slanted eyes, protruding tongue and simian cleft in head.

-Polyploidy is presence of multiple haploid number of chromosome in cell/genome. This organism may have 3n, 4n or higher haploid number.

-Autopolyploidy species originate from spontaneous or induced duplication of the genome of a single species. (eg: 2n>4n)

-Allopoluploidy species orginate from concurrent hybridization and duplication of the genomes of different species.
Eg: Halophyte Grass, Spartina Anglica(2n=122)
-Hybridization between S.maritima(2n=60) and S. alterniflora(2n=62) produces a hybrid plant, S. townsendii(2n=61)
-Meiosis cannot occur in S.townsendii because homologous chromosomes pairs are not present.
-Since reproductive cells(gamates) cannot be produced in S.townsendii, it is sterile and can only reproduce asexually through mitosis.
-Total non disjunction occurs during mitosis in the hybrid plant producing tetraploid, Spartina anglica (2n=122)
-Spartina Anglica can reproduce sexually because homologous pairs are present and meiosis can occur to produce haploid gamates
-Spartina Anglica is more fertile than its parental species

Introduction to Mutation

-Mutation is spontaneous and random change to genetic contents of an organism or cells.
-New Genetic materials produced by mutations are called mutants, which can exist as mutant genes, mutant organelles or mutant organism.
-Only mutation occurring in gamate cells can be inherited.

Spontaneous Mutation is a mutation that occurs naturally. It's rate is very low.

Induced mutation is caused by mutagens.
-Mutagens are substances tha cause mutations or increase mutation rate.
-Mutagens are classified into 2 groups: Chemical and Physical mutagens.

1. Chemical mutagens
-Chemical Modifications of Purine and Pyrimidine bases by altering their hydrogen bonding properties. Eg: Nitrous acid converts cytosine to uracil.
-Base Analogs - chemically resemble a nucleotide base - can be incorporated into the place of natural base in DNA during DNA replication.
-Prevents formation of Spindle Fibres -Colchicine.

2. Physical Mutagens:
-Ultraviolet radiation - causes adjacent Thymine bases on the same DNA strand to covalently bond together.
-Ionizing radiation - ionizes molecules to form radicals - can break DNA and alter purine and pyrimidine bases.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Is not easy to Talk

90 days left to STPM.

Ok, let's see, many people had left their blog death these days, including me.
Is like there's a period of 'hotness' where everyone was very 'hardworking' to update their blog and when the graph reached the peak, it falls.

I found that most of the people hardly understand what I am talking.
In most of the normal conversation that I had with people, I found that their reply to what I said doesn't 'match'.
I don't know is whether I don't understand what other people are saying or the other party do not understand me.
I guess is my problem, cause 'most' of the other people didn't get my meaning.
And sometimes, I also don't understand what they saying.

I have problem in using word to express what I want to say.
Always I have something that I want to say but due to 'don't know how to say', at last I just forget it.
Or sometimes I use too long time to think what I want to say, and after I got the sentence, the matter is over, what left inside my head will be just a crap.
Or in another condition is, I desperately want to tell out what I want to say to people, and due to the lack of the 'skill of expressing', people tend to misunderstand my meaning, they'll think that I have a hidden meaning behind my words but in actual what I said is what I meant, most of the time I am straightforward.

If you notice, I use a lot of inverted comma in my blog post.
That's one of the sign that show that I am always out of words, I don't know how to use the normal way to express out what I want to say.

I always will have the feeling that people will feel uncomfortable when they talk to me, they'll feel very 'pek che', cause the way of my talking is...hmm....don't know how to say....weird~

Yea, I notice that myself.

Do you understand what I am writing here?
Haha, don't need to crack your head if you don't understand. ><

Sunday, 9 August 2009


-AIDS is causd by Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) which attacks helper T lymphocytes or macropahges.
-It causes reduction in number of lymphocytes and macrophage causing loss of immunity.
-HIV is a retrovirus which contains 2 molecules of RNA as carrier of genetic material, surrounded by 2 layers of globular proteins and outermost lipoprotein layer.
-HIV also contains reverse transcriptase enzyme which converts RNA to DNA in cytoplasm of infected cell and integrase which integrates HIV DNA into host cell DNA.
-HIV survives in body fluids such as blood and seminal fluid.

Mechanism of Transmission:
-Sexual intercouse-seminal fluid, vagina fluid, from person to person.
-Blood-passes HIV particles or infected lymphocytes
.sharing of contaminated needle-drug addicts.
.contaminatred blood-through blood received by blood transfusion.
.wound to wound.
-Mother to foetus-through placenta ad mother's milk.

-First sign-attack of cold-revoer in few days.
-Next 6 years-no signs of disease, then rapid loss of weight.
-Fever and sweating at night.
-Diarrhoea, tiredness.
-Oppurtunistic disease-cough, infection in mouth and sexual organs and Kaposi Sarcoma infect patient-soon patient dies.

-Protection during sexual intercouse-condom
-Limiting 1 sexual partner.
-Avoid sharing injection needle.
-Donated blood-screening for HIV to ensure HIV Free.
-Educate public on mode of transmision.

Mechanism of HIV infection:
-HIV binds to cd4 receptors at the surface of Th lymphocyte.
-Endocytosis-lipoprotein of lymphocyte and HIV fuse.
-Viral RNA and reverse transcriptase enzyme enter lymphocyte.
-Reverse Transcription of RNA into single strand DNA by reverse transcriptase enzyme occurs.
-Reverse Transcription of the other RNA produces single strand DNA that is complementary the other single strand DNA produced.
-The 2 single strand DNA are bind to form viral DNA known as provirus.
-Provirus enters nuclues and incorporated into DNA of the host cell.
-Each time host DNA replicates, provirus replicates.
-Provirus stays dormant for about 6 years.
-Then transcription of provirus occurs forming mRNA.
-mRNA produced is then translated to synthesis viral proteins.
-Viral particles formed in the infected cells.
-Through lysis of T lymphocytes, HIV virus is liberated.
-Virus spreads to all Th cell, killing the T cells-lower amount of T cells then destroy infected persons immune system.
-Oppurtunistic disease such as Kaposi Sarcoma occurs.

Antibody Mediated Imminity Response-B cell

-B cells are formed in bone marrow and usually matures in lymph nodes or in blood circulation.
-The B cells matures by forming B cell receptors.
-B cells receptor are formed by attachment of antibodies to plasma membrane with the antigen binding sites facing outwards.
-The B cells migrate to blood circulation until it encounters pathogen that have complementary antigen with its B-cell receptor.
-Phagocytosis of the pathogen occurs.
-The pathogens are broken down into smaller pieces known as antigen by action of hydrolytic enzyme..
-The antigens are attached to MHC to form antigen-MHC complex on the outer surface of plasma membrane.

-The B cell then attaches to Th cell that has complementary TCR with its antigen-MHC complex.
-The attachment occurs between antigen-MHC complex of B cell with TCR of Th cell.
-In this process, B cell acts on antigen presenting cell (APC).

-The T cell secrete INterleukin 2 (IL2).
-The Th cell divides to form memory cells and large number of effector Th cells which secrete more IL2.
-IL2 stimulate the B cells to divide through mitosis to form memory cells and large number of plasma cells/effector B cells.
-Plasma cells secrete large quantity of antibodies into blood circulation.
-The antibodies are then used to attack and destroy specific type of antigen in body.

-Eg of antibody action are antitoxin, complement fixation, opsonisation, precipatation and agglutination.

Cell Mediated Immunity response-T cells

-T-cells are formed in bone marrow and mature in thymus gland by forming specific type of T cell receptor (TCR) on outer surface of plasma membrane.

-3 types of T cell with specific type are produced from thymus gland:
.T helper cell (Th)
.T cytotoxic cell (Tc)
.T suppressor cell (Ts)
-Macrophage that is involved in 2nd line of body defense mechanism does phagocytosis of pathogen.
-The pathogen are destroyed in cell through action of hydrolytic enzyme released by lysosome.
-Smaller pieces of pathogen known as antigen is bind to Major Histo-Compatibility Complex(MHC) to form antigen-MHC complex.
-The antigen-MHC complex is attached to outer surface of plasma membrane to enable the macrophage to function as antigen presenting cell (APC)
-When APC encounter Th cell that has complementary TCR to its antigen-MHC complex, the APC binds to the Th cell.

-Then, the APC secretes Interleukin 1 (IL1)
-IL1 stimulates Th cells to secrete Interleukin 2 (IL2)
-Secretion of IL2 stimulates the Th cell to divide through mitosis to form memory cells and large number of effector Th cells.
-Effector Th cell secretes more IL2.
-Increase in IL2 concentration stimulates mitosis cell division of Tc cell that have the same type of TCR with the Th cell.
-Tc cell divide to form memory cells and large number of effector Tc Cells.
-Effector Tc cells scouts for cells that are infected with the same type of pathogen.
-Cells that are infected are recognized by identification of antigen-MHC complex on plasma membrane of infected cells.

-The effector Tc cells binds complementarilary to the complex on plasma membrane of effector cell, it then secretes perforin.
-Perforin arranges on plasma membrane of infected cells, peforation of plasma membrane of infected cell occurs, lysis of the infected cells occurs.
-The effector Tc cells then scouts for other infected cells that have same type if antigen-MHC complex.

-Once immunity is achinved, Ts cell suppress action of Tc and Th cells.
-The binding occurs between MHC complex on APC with TCR on Th cell.

Immunity, Antibody, Antigen and Epitote

-is the ability to produce lymphocytes or antibodies to destroy efficiently specific foreign substances such as antigens that has been detected by body.

-are specific proteins produced by B lymphocytes as as response to specific antigens detected in body.
-specific antibodies bind with specific antigens before the antigens are destroyed.
-Characteristics of antibodies:
.Each called Immunoglobulin-water soluble globular protein.
.Structure is 'Y' Shaped.
-Each molecule of antibody composes of:
.2 identical heavy chains (H chains) that are linked by disulphide bonds.
.2 identical light chains (L chains), each linked by disulphide bond to one H chains.
-Lower portion of the molecule is constant while 2 tips are variable.
-Both variable parts are antigen binding sites-each can bind specifically to same type of antigen like 'lock and key'.
-Immunoglobulin are divided into 5 groups: Immunoglobulin M, A, D, G, E.

-foreign substances that stimulate the production of lymphocytes or antibodies in body specifically destroy them.
-Characteristics of antigens:
.Antigens are macromolecules-protein/polysaccharides/cojugated protein.
.Found on surface of micro-organisms, plasma membrane or as free molecules.
.Proteins produced in the same body cannot act as antigens but when it is transferred into another organism's body, they act as antigens.

-Small specific parts of a larger antigen which can bind with specific antibody.
-Characteristics of epitopes:
.Epitopes-antigenic determinant-may be more than one on an antigen.
.Each epitopes has specific configuration composed of certain side chains of amino acids or sugar.
-Bacteria-have more surface antigens-more epitopes-each epitopes capable of causing a specific antibody to bind with them.
-Viruses have fwer surface angtigens-fewer Epitopes.
-Macrophage that phagocytosise bacteria and viruses cuts its antigens into smaller epitopes which are then presented on the surface of the cell antigen-MHC complex for recognition by lymphocytes.

The lymphatic system

Lymphatic System functions are:
-Supplementary transport system to channel tissue fluid back to blood circulatory system.
-Major part of immune system-maturation of lymphocytes and in destroying pathogens.

3 main components:
-Lymphatic fluid(lymph)
-Lymphatic vessels
-Lymphatic tissues.

Lymphatic Fluid (Lymph)
-formed by diffusion of tissue fluid into lymphatic capillary.
-components alsmost similar as tissue fluid, but contains fewer plasma proteins and does not contain erythrocytes and platelets.
-Formation of lymphatic fluid:
.Ultrafiltration-fine molecules in blood diffuse out through partially permeable membrane (endothelium) of blood capillaries into extracellular space of body cells.
.Ultrafiltration is aided by difference in hydrostatic pressure and water potentials between blood in capillary and tissue fluid in extracellular space.
.Major portion of tissue fluid is reabsorbed into blood capillaries nearer to venule because water potential and hydrostatic pressure is lower in these areas compared to tissue fluid.
.A small portion of tissue fluid enters lymphatic capillaries through special pores with valves to form lymphatic fluid.
.Lymphatic fluid in lymphatic capillaries flows into lymphatic vessels.
.Fat soluble substances produced by digestion diffuses into lacteal in villi of small intestines before flowing into lymphatic vessels.

Lymphatic Vessels

-Consists of capillaries and ducts.

-Lymphatic Capillaries are:

.Smallest lymphatic vessels found in all tissue except spleen.
.Have closed ends that have pores with valves.
.Capillaries join to form venules which then join to form bigger lymphatic ducts.

-Lymphatic Ducts:

.Same structure as blood veins with valves for unidirectional flow of lymph.
.Flow is aided by contraction of skeletal muscle, peristalsis and pulse.
.Biggest lymphatic ducts are thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct which empties its content into subclavian veins.

Lymphatic Tissue

-Largest lymphoid organ.
.Produces Red Blood Cells-foetal stage and few years after birth.
.Removes worn out white blood cells and platelets.
.Contain lymphocytes-filters blood to remove bacteria and antigens.
.Stores blood when required.

2.Thymus Gland
-Enlarages during childhood, shrinks after puberty.
.Activates T lymphocytes-lymphocytes originating from stem cells-matures, differentiates and functions after passing through thymus gland.
.Produces Hormones-causes T cells to mature by forming specific receptors. (TCR)
.T cells secretes lumphokine-helps in cell mediated response.

3.Lymph Nodes
-Bean Shaped and located at specific parts of body such as groins, armpits, beneath lower jaws.
.Location where antigens are presented to immune system.
.Location for activated B lymphocytes division to form plasma and memory cells.
.Lymphocytes and macropahges-filter pathogens and antigens.

Entered the last phase


Left 100 days.

Plan a proper study schedule and follow it.
Let's start preparing for the final battle now.

And also, remember to take good care of your body.

All the Best! Everyone the Best!

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Teaching Experience

I think next time maybe I will be a teacher. lol..

I taught in my primary school for 3 days after my NS.
The headmaster called me up and asked me to help out for that 3 days cause they really got no enough teacher. So I went, that was my 1st time experience of becoming a teacher.

I actually taught home tuition during my lower 6 time, for 2 months, SPM math and add math, one to one.
That guy is one of my church member, he slacked for the whole form 4 and form 5 and during the last 2 months before SPM only start to scare and asked me for help.
I actually compact 2 years of form 4 and form 5 add math and math to teach him during that 2 months.
Some more he's not rajin, don't really do my homework.
At last he got 3B for his add math and an A (forgot 1 or 2 edi) for his math.

Indeed, SPM is really easy! I mean as in easy to score..
Form 4 and form 5 exam no matter how hard also I am able to do it, I mean simply write also can get some mark or simply tembak also easy kena.
But form 6 is totally different. Don't know means don't know. Tembak also 99% wrong.
I never feel that kind of ''helplessness'' in exam before that. And that always occur during form 6.
I never know what is a saturated mind mean till after I entered form 6.

Ok, let's get back to my teaching experience.
I was quite suffer during that 2 months, cause I didn't enjoy teaching him.
After he pula his mom ask me teach his brother, also the same species as him, I straight reject.
Till 2 weeks ago still call to my house and ask me to teach for the last 2 month for her son PMR. Before she even open her mouth I said no edi...haha!

Now, I am teaching tuition in a tuition centre.
Prepare the students for their UPSR Science.
I tell you, std 4, 5, 6 science are not easy!
Before that I thought that the job will be a piece of cake but mana tahu is much more harder than what I imagined.
Nevertheless, I enjoy teaching the students la..

The 1st hour I teach the '1st class' and the 2nd hour teach the '2nd class'.
Don't know why I feel like so unfair for the '2nd class' student, is like they are being categorized as 2nd class people, not good in their result, and don't listen to teacher, very naughty...bla bla bla
But you know, I actually have a better impression for the 2nd class students than the 1st class students, the 2nd class students listen to me when I talk nicely to them, and I can see that some of them actually respect me, and the feeling is very true, they didn't hide themselves.
Yea, 1st class student you don't need to talk to them they also will do better, but I feel that they are like lacking of something, lack of the 'true self' of them.

Anyway, I actually enjoy teaching them, the teacher say need rotan to scare them off.
Even Wei Lun also said that next time you will understand the 'important of rotan'.
But till now I also didn't see the need for me to use rotan in the class, I don't want to bring the 'scary weapon' in class.
And so far, so good.
I joke with them while teaching, and also keep asking whether they understand or not.
When they exceed the limit, I will 'talk' to them and they will automatically quiet themselves down.
I enjoy teaching them.

And I have one more student now, that's Sherlyn Wong. Haha.
I had tutor her for 3 classes edi.
And she's doing good.
While teaching her I am actually also learning and doing revision myself, a win-win condition.
And what makes her different from other students is that she likes homework..haha..
Keep asking me for more homework so that she can do it and let me to mark.
That's a good attitude. hah~

I actually planned to open a class to teach Chinese since last year since I am the president of Chinese Society+ ACS got no POL class+ this year member have a lot of banana, to be more specific, half banana. haha~
But due to several problems, it just remained as a plan.
Actually I really hope that the class can be successfully opened, but I know that now is too late edi..
If I were given 1 more year, I'll definitely make this plan into a reality.
That is

Yea, actually till now I also don't know what I want to do next time.
Maybe I will be a teacher..if I really got nothing to do + really don't know what to do + other factor la..

But at this time, 'teacher' is not in my list..........yet.

Thursday, 6 August 2009


Ish! Ish! Ish! Ish! Ish! Ish! Ish! Ish! Ish! Ish! Ish! Ish! Ish! Ish! Ish! Ish!

What's Wrong with me???

Monday, 3 August 2009

Wrong post

I have posted something which I shouldn't write in my previous post.
Please don't talk about any content in my previous post in any situation.

lol...sounds like so serious...
but, really la..for those who have read it, please do not talk about it...

Can ask me personally if u want to know the reason.
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