The recent Olympic games held in Beijing was themed as 'One World One Dream'.
Our Rev Yeoh is inspired by this theme and set our church 30th mission conference as 'One World One Vision'
The 'world' here means Christian community.
While the 'vision' here means that we must be able to see, to have the vision of mission.
It is a good theme.
Our mission conference is a 3 days program start 28-30 Nov.
Here is the time schedule
28/11/08 Friday: 8.00pm-One World One Vision 1
29/11/08, Saturday:
7.00am-Children Mission Conference
8.00am-One World One Vision 2
30/11/08, Sunday:
9.00pm-Speaker is Prof. 'Zhang Chang Ji', forgot the title le.
7.00pm-Dinner at Klang Parade's Mun Siang Lou to celebrate Church 110th Anniversary.
Our speaker for this year mission conference is Rev 'xiao di you' (don't know his english name).
He's a 'short' but 'loud' speaker. haha
Here is the verse for the preach titled 'one world, one vision'
35Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.
36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
37Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
38Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." (Matthew 9:35-37)
35 耶 稣 走 遍 各 城 各 乡 , 在 会 堂 里 教 训 人 , 宣 讲 天 国 的 福 音 , 又 医 治 各 样 的 病 症 36 他 看 见 许 多 的 人 , 就 怜 悯 他 们 ; 因 为 他 们 困 苦 流 离 , 如 同 羊 没 有 牧 人 一 般
37 於 是 对 门 徒 说 : 要 收 的 庄 稼 多 , 作 工 的 人 少 。 38 所 以 , 你 们 当 求 庄 稼 的 主 打 发 工 人 出 去 收 他 的 庄 稼 。 (馬 太 福 音 9:35-37)
From the verse, His main points are :
Vision:Seeing - Jesus see people are like 'sheep without sheperd'
Compassion:Feeling -And Jesus 'had compassion on them'
Action:Going -''The harvest is plentiful(means people who never heard of the gospel before) but the workers are few( means that few wants to really go out and preach the gospel to those that never heard it)'' And we must ask 'the Lord of harvest(God) to send out worker into his harvest field'. (After we 'see' and feel, we must pray and prepare ourselves 1st before we 'go')
Mission is not only need ‘rational' thinking but we also need to have the 'feeling' of compassion.
After these, we must equip ourselves well 1st before going out to the 'harvest field'. And always pray to the Lord to send out the most suitable people his field.
I went for the 1st night. And stayed at church till around 3am.
Why? Because of the rain.
I actually stayed back to help to setup the stage for the 2nd day Children Mission Conference, which is located at the car park outside.
But the whole night was raining, we were unable to start out work.
And the rain actually only ended the next morning, that's around 7am, when I was back to the church again.
I went back at 3am and the other 4 guys actually stayed at church for the whole night.
Thank God that the stage was completed in time and the rain stopped completely during the opening ceremony.
I stayed to help out in the Children Mission Conference till 1.30pm (the event ends at 4pm) and was on my way to Hokkien Association for a Chinese Society Klang inter-school interaction meeting. Kean Peng and Cui Ting went too.
The meeting was...don't know how to say...hope everything will be fine and really bring benefits to us. 20/12 will go there again for further planning.
And I was too tired to attend for the 2nd night mission conference, slept at home.
And Sunday morning, the last day of Mission Conference.
Prof 'Zhang Chang Ji' was good. He concluded everything.
5pm something, we reached Klang Parade to prepare for the Dinner.
I am in the PA team in the church, so need to go there early to setup the PA system.
I think we should call ourselves to be in 'miscellaneous team' rather than 'PA team' cause beside PA, we need to do all the other miscellaneous work, and always like that, in most of the event, cause we will be the earliest people to reach.
(I write this not to complaint, just to speak out only, cause we are actually serving the Lord and there is no complaint)
That's All.
One world One Vision.
May God grant me and every Christian the Vision, Compassion and Action to be one of the workers in His harvest field.
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