Friday 5 December 2008

Bible Facts!

Don't just look at the title and refuse to read.
Read it and I am quite sure that you will find this post interesting.^^

I like the number 7 and 3.
This is because 7 is a perfect number in the bible.
God used 6 days to create the world and 1 day to rest. That's why now we takes 7 days as a week.
Monday-Saturday are working day and Sunday is for rest, and it is called as Sabbath day in christian terminology. It is the 1st day of a week and is a day totally for us to rest and at the same time to worship the Almighty God
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.(Genesis 2:2-3)
Whereas for number 3, Jesus died on the cross and he is resurrected on the 3RD DAY.
This is the most important faith and believe in Christianity.
We believe in Jesus Christ who died for our sins and he had WON the battle with Devil and resurrected on the 3rd day.
And the LORD God commanded the man(Adam), "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely DIE."(Genesis 2:16-17)
And Adam did ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. (He disobeyed God's command and he sinned.)
Let me stress this again, The COST of SINS is DEAD.
Therefore, man has no eternal life on Earth.
Since the day we are borned, we are taking the path towards Dead.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.(John 3:16)
This is indeed The Greatest News for Human Being.
We can Have Eternal Life just by believe in Jesus Chirist.
Through Jesus Christ, the broken bond between God and Human are reformed.
Because of sins, Human were unable to meet the Heavenly Father.
But, now, Jesus Christ had 'settle' everything for us.
He died for us on the cross, took up all our sins and 3 days later, He is resurected.
We just need to believe in Him, our sins will be cleansed by his precious blood and we are a reborned human.

And I happened to born in 3rd July, 1990. (3/7/1990)
Notice the number 3 and 7.
Haha, what a coincidence.
I love my birth day date. =)
Most of the girls out there love to read/watch/ listen to love story.
Let me test you all, Do you know what is the world sweetest ever and most sincere 'love speech'(don't know the proper term) can a man express to a woman ?
Don't know? Want to know it? Here is it:
The man said,
"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called 'woman, '
for she was taken out of man."(Genesis 2:23)

Bone of my Bones, Flesh of my Flesh.
This shows how great the man Love the woman, how close the relationship between them.
This is the world 1st marriage--Marriage between Adam & Eve.

Next, All of us know that the world had been through numerous number of war through the study of History. No matter war within a country or between countries or whatsoever.
War, surely will got people die.
But do you all know which war in the entire history of war had the Greatest Percentage of people die? Notice that I said Percentage, Not Number.
Don't need think already, here is the answer:
Now Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.(Genesis 4:8)
Let me explain:
Cain and Abel are the sons of Adam and Eve.
Cain is the 1st son and Abel is the 2nd. Due to jealousy(read Genesis chapter 4), Cain killed Abel.
This is the 1st murder case in the world after man had sinned.
That time, the world only has 4 residents, i.e. Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel.
Abel Killed Cain.
That means 1/4=25% of the man in the world had died.
So far, there is no war in the world that cost 25% of people life.

To know the detailed story about How God created the world, Story of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Jesus Christ, find a bible and read the book of Genesis and the book of Luke.
Ok, this has nothing to do with bible.
This is from what I experienced since I started my tuition in form 4.
The Wonders of Marker Pen! haha!
Do you know how useful is a marker pen?
It is used by teacher not only to write 'knowledge' in the white board but they are being used as a very useful tool to explain certain concept.
Eg1: Mr Sugu used marker pen to do business and explain the concept of ACCOUNT
Eg2: Mr Mano used marker pen to illustrate/make analogy for us to understand BIOLOGY.
No matter science or art subject all can be explained by using Marker Pen.
What a versatile tool!

Actually I use quite a lot of brain juice and time whenever I write a blog post.
The reason is none other than my poor English.
I need to always think of the correct term and grammar to be used.
And I know that every blog post of mine at least will have a few grammatical error.
When I mention about grammar, I will think of 2 of my friends.
They had been my loyal friends since my std 6 till now.
Their names are Tat Don Myin and Shu Few Ny.
Thank you to both of you and I love both of you very much!

Don't guess whether they are boy or girl cause they have no gender! haha!
Now the time is 2.40am and I am too tired to continue, will introduce them in my next post.

Good Nightz! =)


Ai Hoi said...

i really love to read ur blog...haha i didn't realise the adam's love quote was so meaningful n sweeeeeeet >.< said...

Sunday is the first day of the week and Saturday is the seventh day of the week. The day that God rested after creation and that God commanded man to rest in the Ten Commandments is the seventh day of the week.

Many churches rest on Sunday instead of Saturday because they think that Christ was resurrected on Sunday. But that is impossible, according to the Bible. Jesus said that He would be in the grave for three days and three nights, which would not be possible if He were buried late Friday and resurrected early Sunday.

ZhengYii said...

To Ai Hoi:
yea, next time find a husband that will say those words to you de..haha

ZhengYii said...

To :
Hey, thanks for the correction!
I didn't realize that I have made such mistake.
And can I know you are??

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